Canadian Military's top man, Canadian Chief of Defence Staff, General Rick Hillier on behalf of the troops stationed in Kandahar. They told the General that the one thing they would really like on base is a Tim Horton's. That got the ball rolling and on Canada Day, July 1, 2006 the Kandahar outlet was officially opened.
It has now been one month and it has received extremely positive response from the troops. Iced Capp and coffee are the top sellers in the 50 degree heat, followed closely by donuts and Timbits. Demand was so great that the trailer ran out of donuts and Timbits within the first two weeks! The inventory has been replenished and a regular sustainment program is now in place. General feedback is that the Canadian troops are thrilled to have a "little taste of home"; Americans are enjoying the iced capp's; Romanians like the Timbits; and the British troops love the hot cappuccino.

wow. that must be heart-warming to have some bit of home with them where they are...
i like that...
Neat! I'll take me some of that coffee with a sweet or two.
That is awesome.. it must be so hard for the troops.. I can't even imagine how they cope.
Apologies to Dr. Seuss but "Horton's Hears a Who-YAH!"
I can't imagine being in the military at all... so amazing that people are able to do this kind of work.
i feel for the troops, i don't know how they do it.
loving your gifts below -- hockey wine charms? those were made just for you. whata sweet friend you have.
That's pretty neat. We don't have Tim Hortons here in Minnesota. Maybe in some other states.
It must give them more than a caffeine jolt, I'm sure it energizes them seeing something from home.
and booby squeezes do NOT hurt. you are talking to the biggest baby on earth. with the lowest tolerance for pain...
I've always liked Tim Horton's. I hope they get more vegan options soon! Veggie was no problem but vegan...TIM...if you're looking down on us...Vegan options, pretty please!?
Here is my new link. Hope to see you there soon! My old link will still be active. I am going to keep my blogroll there and use it as a back up but my daily updates will take place at the above location. Spread the word!
re:Mango Tofu.. I haven't made it! I was going to make it yesterday, but my manogos were OFF big time.. they were somewhat rotten, but still fairly hard. Gross.. the next time I go shopping, I'll get more and try again. (I swear, produce is so weird these last 10 years.. hmm genetic engineering anyone?)
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