Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cordon Bleu

I love it when I buy something new to try and I actually like it! No, really. How many times have you seen a new food product that looked great on the package and sounded like the next best thing only to go home, very excitedly take that first bite and nothin'. No fireworks, no zing, no eye closing ecstasy encased in a huge MMMMM! Just blah. We've all been there.

A while ago, Megan wrote about a new product she'd heard of but couldn't seem to find. She was talking about Schneider's Oh Naturel Cordon Bleu Melts. Lo and behold! I found them at Ultra Mart and they are soooo good! It's a vegetarian version of chicken cordon bleu and back when I was a meat eater, I really liked that sort of thing. These are not vegan as they contain milk ingredients.

I was also lucky enough to find a whole stack of $1 off coupons hanging on the shelf. So I took half a dozen. These things are pretty pricey at $6.49 for a package of 4, so the coupon was a bit of a help.

I also served baked potatoes, some beets, and garden fresh peas that I found as well while I was shopping. These were from a local farm and were very, very tasty.

So, even at the steep price, this is one product I will buy again for a special treat because it did make me close my eyes and go MMMMM! when I took the first bite.

And from Schneider's! Who woulda thought?


urban vegan said...

That looks great for those hectic nites when you just don't feel like cooking. I oculd have used this tonite. We went out for Indian.

Anonymous said...

To bad they're not vegan. :( Oh well. Your peas look yummy! I haven't had peas in a long while. How did you cook your beets?

Anonymous said...

Looks dreamy....however I wish they'd make a vegan version!

Shananigans said...

Dinner looks sumptuous, that looks like something I might venture into the dairy side for a night to try. Not long ago I was totally lacoto-ovo, now dairy and eggs are the exception in my diet! Much easier than I thought it would be.

KleoPatra said...

Carrie, this looks like a great meal. I have so been there for the disappointment of something that you think will be so good and then... grrrrrrrr!

--TBAS said...

Carrie, oh Carrie...why did I follow your link from R2K...that dish looks good. Damn good. oh, I'm going to print out this page and give it to my office so they can share in the suffering.

High Power Rocketry said...

Cheecan Coordaaaan bloooooooo