1) A really good wine. Something spectacular from Bordeaux or Burgundy. A nice dry riesling from Alsace (or even Ontario. There are some really good rieslings here.), and one of my all-time favorites Veuve Clicquot.

4) Sun-dried tomatoes. I do not like a fresh, raw tomato. Cooked, canned, stewed, soup, juice...that's all fine, but what really gets my tastebuds going is the intense flavour of sun-dried tomatoes. So delicious!

4) Falafel. Chickpeas at their finest. Falafel stuffed into a pita is one of the best "sandwiches" going.

5) Now I've been known to cheat a little bit when it comes to these kinds of lists and this one is no exception. Hey, picking 5 things is very difficult. And since some might argue that my number 1 choice is actually a beverage, not food, then I think that should give me some leeway. So, my two-part #5 answer is clementines and strawberries.

So, that's a pretty good top 5 list I think. But, like I said, I cheat. So I'm adding something else. This shouldn't be a surprise at all, and some may have wondered why this wasn't number one.

CHOCOLATE! Nothing more really needs to be said about this. It can be enjoyed with my number one choice, even with number 3. And having number 5's dipped into melted chocolate. Oh so good!
Oh, yes, I almost forgot. Something else that would be divine dipped in chocolate......

Even if I could just smell him.
I'd be happy.
OK, gather yourself together Carrie and get on with it.
Now it's time for me to tag others and keep this going. I'm going to try to name people I haven't seen tagged on other blogs. So my list of five is:
1) Karen of PrettyPennyGirl
2) Megan of Megan The Vegan
3) Melissa of Cooking Delights
4) Crystal & Ryan of Cafe Cyan
5) Shannon of Your Sweet Bippy
And since I cheat, I'm also tagging Jody from VegChic and Tanya Kristine from Are You My Mother? Come on TK, don't let me down. I wanna see your list. I wanna see everybody's list. So, you're all tagged. GO!
LOVE your list, Carrie -- now I want to change mine & do it all over again! i'm guessing i should recognize the hunk at the end...
Great list Carrie!!!! LOL! I love the idea of dipping Brian Adams in chocolate. What a great post! Thanks for tagging me! I was hoping I would get tagged!
Hi Carrie, it's Kleo!!!
I tried to post but... you know the BETA story here. I don't think you don't need an invite, by the way, just go the blogger main page as i did!
Carrie, thanks for the e-mail. You have great foodstuffs here (and the wine!) that i also cannot live w/out. I would not mind dipping Bryan Adams in chocolate...
Clementines are wonderful indeed. And strawberries are so good when they're plump 'n' ripe. YUMMY!
I am with you on falafel all the way, it is one of my faves of all-time, one of the first "veg" foods i ever had when i was a kid.
And tomatoes are the best when they're sun dried. So sweet and tasty. I LOVE THEM. i am not a fan of tomatoes by themselves, and feel the same way as do you about these round red pals of ours...
Isn't it so great how strawberries and clementines aren't in season at the same time? It's perfect because we can stuff ourselves silly with one and not have to worry about saving room for the other.
Who in their right mind doesn't like fresh, homegrown tomatoes? Crazy girl!
shocolate. Schmell Brian Adams. sHocolate....
Oh, snap out of it Dori, you gotta say something to comment on carrie's blog.
Nice top 5! :)
hey .. if your tagged twice don't you get to pick your top ten?
Hi Carrie!
I saw your comment today on Kleo's blog and was laughing at the Bryan Adams comment you made. He's so great; I love him...but I understand he is taken by YOU so I will just look and not dip him in chocolate. Lol!
Then I came here and see his smiling face on your blog! LOL! You are too funny!! I think you need to meet him. My favorite songs he has done are some of the ones from the Spirit - Stallion of the Cimarron soundtrack! SO beautiful!
Anyhow, back to food...LOL... your picks are excellent. Chocolate and wine! MMM!
I can only comment anonymously..
Love your top 5..
and your prom pics... adorable.. I love the second one of you two.. the way you are looking at each other.
Your son is adorable too..
-melody (melomeals.blogspot.com)
YAY! Bryan Adams...now that I have that out of my system...great list. I just made some falafel...I should make it more often...plus...I am so very with you on the sun-dried tomatoes!
have i told you today i loved you? becuase i do.
okay...i'll work on my list...
bryan...you funny girl. i wish he was my cousin becuase i would SO hook you up.
ok- the whole beta thing has messed me up. I am posting anonymously... Thanks for tagging me! I will post soon- sorry school just started here today and I am crazy busy with a new class (I am teaching art history). Karen from Prettypennygirl...
BTW- bryan dipped in chocolate...mmmm..you are so bad Carrie! And falafel rocks! I want your list!
Nice post and picks Carrie! Hopefully I’ll get to my own list this afternoon. That’s funny about the cheese, because I love just about every cheese out there too but don’t like swiss and used to hate blue cheese. Some types of blue cheese have grown on me, like the gorgonzola often put in salads with walnuts and pears, soooo good. I’ve cut way back on my cheese consumption and it’s definitely been good for me and my diet, but it’s the one dairy product I just have not been able to find a really suitable substitute for.
my list is way gay.
but i'm not feeling good today so cut me some slack, man.
Carrie - i'm surprised asaparagus didn't make your list!!!
BTW - about a year ago I saw Brian Adams in the Annex area of Toronto walking a dog. He smiled and said hi, and I freeked out inside!!!!! Also, Paul and I were in Cape Town in March, and Brian Adams was seated in first class while we were back in coach! He smiled as we walked by...he was doing a show in Cape Town while we were there. So many sightings...I thought you'd like to hear about!
Megan the Vegan
"Brian Adams was seated in first class while we were back in coach"
The very first thing that popped into my head when I read this was 'THE WEDDING SINGER" Hahahaha!!
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