Let the fireworks begin. It's the long weekend!
Victoria Day, otherwise known as May two-four. We loooooove this weekend because it's the official kick-off of summer here in Canada. May 24 is Queen Victoria's birthday and was declared a holiday by the Legislature of the Province of Canada in 1845. That's before we were even an official country! The holiday is observed on the Monday preceeding May 24. This year it's on May 22. This weekend is also used to observe the current reigning monarch's birthday.
It's also called May two-four because beer is the official beverage of most celebrations this weekend (a summer beverage if there ever was one) and beer is sold in cases of 24. So, it's called a two-four (another Canadianism).
It's considered safe to start planting gardens this weekend because the chance of frost now is minimal. It's also the weekend to open up the cottage for the summer. Right now where I am in Southern Ontario, it's warm and sunny, things are all green again, flowers are blooming. It's just a general feeling of "Thank God that winter shit weather is over." Although I really do enjoy winter, too much of it for too long does get tired.
Victoria Day is often thought of as a purely Canadian event, but it is also celebrated in some parts of Scotland, particularly in Edinburgh and Dundee where it is also a public holiday.
So enjoy the nice weather, your beer and the fireworks. Happy Victoria Day everybody!
Go Oilers!
wasn't it amazing weather today? perfect for the 2-4!
Yes Megan, it was fantastic. I did have to work, but I was finished at 2pm today so I did get to enjoy the afternoon. I'm hoping tomorrow is nice as well. Simon deserves an afternoon at the dog park. Have a nice long weeked.
Kleopatra - thank you!! It's an long weekend. What's not to like?
Awesome new layout! That's really groovy!
she scares me.
but it's summer...yay!!!
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