Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Is God Trying To Tell Them Something?

Maybe they'd better listen. Click here.


Vicki's Vegan Vice said...

Amen. Thanks for bringing this up about the killers, um, I mean sealers. I think this is not a coincidence...
On a lighter note, I tried numerous times before to comment on your coffee drinking mounties, but blogger didn't cooperate - don't remember what I was going to say, except I wish we had dudes on horses here.
I've been enjoying your seitan adventures, and after reading your blog (like so many other times before) I went straight to the kitchen. This time, to make some seitan 0'greatness.
You rock, and best of luck on your blog nomination! I'm rootin' for you! :o)

Candi said...

I feel guilty for finding that news good. I don't wish harm to the people, but I think people get what they deserve!! Thanks for the link!

KleoPatra said...


It is sometimes wonderful to see peeps reap what they sow...

Good link, Carrie. Thanks, girl.

scottishvegan said...

It's difficult to have any sympathy for the sealers isn't it? It must cost a fortune for helicopters to take food and water to them and to evacuate them. Money that could be better spent elsewhere I’m sure…

Michelle Ann said...

Did these people not see the Perfect Storm????

bazu said...

I'm still in shock-I honestly thought the seal hunt {sarcastic voice}oh I'm sorry, seal CULL {/sarcastic voice} would be cancelled this year because so many seals had already dies due to the melting ice... this proves that this isn't a cull, isn't about so-called popluation control, it is a useless callous display of cruelty and desperation, nothing more. Pfft.