Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Prime Minister Harper

After lots of speculation, Stephen Harper has been elected Prime Minister of Canada with a minority Conservative government. They won 124 seats (36.25%) while the Liberals got 103 (30.22%). The NDP ended up with 29 (17.49%) seats. One independant in Quebec City was elected. I don't even want to get into a rant about Bloc Quebecois at this point in time, so let's just skip them.
J. voted for the Conservatives so he's happy today. I voted for The Green Party. They got 4.5% of the national vote which is up slightly from the previous election. At one point during the night, they were leading in one riding in B.C. but didn't end up winning. I was hoping for at least one seat in Ottawa. An increase in their showing nationally is a step in the right direction. They had candidates in all of the ridings and some even came in third. I only wish that they were invited to participate in the national debates and would get more exposure from the media than they do. They are a NATIONAL party with a candidates in every province, right across the country. This, again, is where I would normally start up my BQ rant, but I'll not go there right now.

Voter turnout was up from the last election with 64.9%. I think that is terrible! I don't understand why some don't bother to exercise their right to vote. In my opinion, if you didn't take the 90 seconds out of your day to mark an 'X', I don't want to hear you complain about the government.

My cousin Larry has been a Liberal member of parliament for the Yukon since 2000. He was re-elected last night in his riding with 48.5% of the vote. Way to go Larry! Much congratulations.

Let's take a look at my riding. It's been Liberal for years. Our MP, Paddy Torsney has been in office since 1993! She lost this time around to Mike Wallace who is a Conservative. David Laird, the NDP candidate came in third and Rick Goldring who ran for the Green Party ended up with 5.33% of votes. That's above the national average, so good going Rick!

1 comment:

Harmonia said...

I have been hearing bits and pieces about this for a few weeks. Glad I can read about it more here. I've always loved canada. While growing up I used to live right near the boarder so I've always had a connection.

It's a beautiful place.