And firefighters...that means more macho "manly" men; calendar pin-ups of chiseled, good-looking, muscle-ripped creatures made entirely of testosterone, right? HA! I followed this link that I found on Out of My Vegan Mind and found neither to be true. What a great story! There is also a link to the firefighters web site that has some recipes! These guys ARE "manly"men!! Wooooo Mama!
**The photo has nothing to do with the vegan firefighters. It's just a gratuitous picture of some half naked firemen. Just look at it and enjoy it.
LOL. Thanks for that post!
Um, I can't remember the exact title of the Moosewood Cookbook but it was something like Sunday's @ Moosewood or Sunday Brunch @ Moosewood...something.
I am getting to be that way with cookbooks...don't know why...maybe you are rubbing off on me...haha.
I will be posting later today! Hope to see you again soon!
Have a great weekend!
You are my personal winner of "the best bog picture" award! I'm going to follow the links you menion, when I can peel my eyes away form those pecs. Vegan Firefighters...what's not to LOVE?!
that's great that the shipping rates aren't that high on that site! :) Did you end up ordering anything?
How was your weekend?
Check this site out! It features some Vegan wines this month!
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